Sparky Meets Ramboy
By: Unknown (Email me if you know)

Sparky looked up at the clock with a combination of excitement and fear. It was almost 7:00 p.m., and Ramboy was due to arrive any minute.

It had taken a long time for the two to work out this trip. Both had juggled their schedules so that Ramboy could spend a week in the United States with Sparky, sharing in their mutual love for their peculiar "fetish." Sparky wasn't sure how far it would go with Ramboy, but he was open to many possibilities.

Another ten minutes passed, and still no Ramboy. Sparky was beginning to think the whole deal had been a con when he heard the sound of a car door slamming. He hurried to the window, and looked out to see Ramboy ambling up the sidewalk with a bag slung over his shoulder. This was it!

Sparky flung open the door before Ramboy could push the bell, a huge grin on his boyish face. To his delight, Ramboy looked just like his picture did on the Internet. He was a few inches taller than Sparky and quite lean. His handsome face held a massive smile as he took in Sparky. With his dirty blond hair, fair skin, and blue-green eyes, Sparky wasn't bad to look at either.

"Guten tag!" Sparky shouted in his worst German. Ramboy laughed and shook his head. There was a quick hug and soon Ramboy was inside the apartment, laying his bag down next to the couch. Sparky trotted into the kitchen and came back with two beers.

"How was the flight from Berlin?"

"Terrible. Lots of turbulence, and I was starving the whole time!" Ramboy's lips parted into a devilish, knowing smile. Sparky almost giggled.

"I bet you were! Airline food couldn't possibly sate a hunger like yours." Sparky winked at him, and both smiled broadly.

"I'm so hungry, my stomach is growling! Listen!" Ramboy lifted up his shirt, revealing his flat stomach. Sparky hesitantly pressed his ear to the white skin, listening to Ramboy's insides. To his delight, a low gurgle erupted deep in the German's bowels. "Damn! Listen to it churn!"

"I know," said Ramboy, "It's been thinking of you all day!" "Hmmm, we'd better get it fed then before something…bad happens to me!" "Oh, what did you have in mind?"

Dinner at the restaurant was fun for both of them. They mostly talked about travelling and what they did for a living. There wasn't any real talk about vore, their shared fetish, except for vague hints and a little flirting. Mostly they joked and chatted about silly things. Sparky watched in amazement as Ramboy wolfed down a huge meal. His appetite seemed unending! Sparky himself ate lightly, his stomach too nervous to hold down much. He was really sitting with this guy who knew all about his secret desire, and even shared it! It was amazing.


The driver of the truck was sweating furiously as he raced down the road. He had to escape, no matter what it took. His cargo was too important to leave it in the hands of those…those monsters. They would use it for evil.

The headlights of the car behind him were on the brights mode, blinding him with their reflection in the rear view mirror. The truck's speedometer only went up to 85 mph, but he guessed he was pushing the engine over 100 mph. Still, the car tailed him easily. As he rounded a curb, he felt an impact and lurched forward. The other car was ramming him. Cursing under his breath, he spun the wheel, trying to avoid the oncoming blows from his pursuers. The road was becoming more treacherous, making his task all the more difficult.

There was a sudden loud pop, and the driver felt the truck starting to shimmy. One of his tires had blown out. Realizing there was no way to keep control of his vehicle, the frantic driver decided there was only one alternative. He would have to destroy his cargo rather than let it fall into the hands of these evil men. He waited until the truck came onto an overpass and then gunned the engine, spinning the wheel as he did so.

The truck careened wildly on the overpass. With incredible speed it smashed into the guardrail, breaking through the metal railing and plummeting to the freeway below. There was a loud crash followed by a bright explosion. The car following the truck had no time to react when it had veered suddenly from the road. While spinning the wheel to avoid the turning truck, the driver of the car lost control of his own vehicle. The car flew off the overpass shortly after the truck did, and added its own mass to the twisted heap of burning glass and metal below.


"What the hell are all those flashing lights?" Sparky said as he and Ramboy pulled into the driveway. In the distance, near the freeway onramp, a huge array of emergency lights flashed. Someone had had a bad accident.

"It will probably be on the 11 o'clock news." They went inside. Ramboy deposited himself on the couch in the living room, joking about how he wanted dessert. Sparky laughed in surprise. How could he still be hungry after all he ate? When he asked that question, Ramboy responded with a loud, wet burp.

"Oh gross!"

"My meal's last words!" Ramboy laugh uproariously. Sparky giggled and shook his head. He then stood in the bedroom door, a more serious look on his face.

"You mentioned dessert. Still care for some?" He locked eyes with Ramboy, who stopped laughing and grinned mischievously.

"You bet I do." With that, Ramboy leaped up from the couch and bounded for the bedroom door, pulling his shirt up over his head as he went. Sparky smiled, also taking off his shirt as he closed the bedroom door.


The Saturday morning sun was bright when Sparky quietly crawled out of bed, slipped into a pair of boxers and a tee-shirt and padded into the kitchen. He started the coffee, grabbed the morning paper from the hallway and went through his normal morning routine. He thought of Ramboy frequently, who still slumbered in the bedroom.

On the front page of the paper was a photo of a blazing inferno. As he read, Sparky realized it was the accident that occurred on the freeway nearby. Apparently a truck had lost control on an overpass, taking another car with it as it plummeted off the bridge and into traffic. At least 10 people were killed, and, oddly enough, another 7 were missing.

Sparky went through the sliding door in the kitchen onto the rear patio. Being on the ground floor, his fenced-in backyard was small and totally concrete except for a row of low bushes. Sparky looked over the fence towards the freeway, which was raised on a hill behind his building. A part of the freeway passed very close to his backyard. He was about to go inside when a glimmer in the bushed caught his eye. In the bushes he found a small vial, cracked and mostly empty. However, on the very bottom of the vial he saw a small drop of phosphorescent green liquid. He had no idea what it could be, but guessed it was some junk a passing motorist on the freeway threw out of his window. Fucking litterbugs.

Sparky tossed the vial into the yard's waste can and went back inside. He was delighted to find Ramboy sitting at the kitchen table in nothing but his sexy boxer briefs. It was indeed a good morning!

"I'm starving!" moaned Ramboy. "What's for breakfast?"

"What, I'm not enough to satisfy you?" Sparky cocked his head with a wry grin.

"I could eat a hundred of you and not be full!" Sparky shivered slightly at the thought. How many times had he wanted that fantasy to be reality?

Sparky set about cooking breakfast for Ramboy. Being a vegetarian, he was woefully unprepared to serve such a carnivore. It was going to have to be cereal and fruit. As he stood in the kitchen preparing, Sparky's boxer shorts suddenly dropped to the floor.

"What the hell?" he muttered, looking down on his nakedness. Ramboy laughed behind him.

"Now you're an exhibitionist?"

"Shut up…they just slipped." Sparky pulled the shorts back up, but they would not stay. For some reason his waist was now too small to hold them up! Ramboy stood and walked over, and to both their surprises he now towered a good seven inches in height over Sparky. They both gasped.

"Holy shit! What's happening to me?"

Panic began to set in for Sparky. His tee now hung limply around his body, which seemed to be getting smaller by the minute. Ramboy watched in fascination as Sparky seemed to whither before his eyes.

Thirty minutes later, Sparky was barely the size of an action figure. Ramboy placed his now naked body on the kitchen table, marveling at the transformation of his friend. He had really shrunk.

"What could have caused this?"

"I know!" Sparky's high voice was hard to hear, even though he shouted. "There was a vial in the back yard! It had some kind of liquid! I threw it away!" Ramboy found a pair of rubber gloves, went outside and fished the vial out of the garbage. He carefully set the vial on the kitchen counter.

"Now what?" Sparky asked. Ramboy was about to say something when a sudden gurgle erupted from his gut. He looked down at his stomach, and then looked at Sparky's diminutive form with a sinister grin on his face.

"I don't know about you," he said, his voice suddenly sultry, "but I'm starving." Sparky's face paled as he looked up at the giant in front of him. Oh no…he couldn't! With lightning speed, Ramboy's hand swept down and grabbed up Sparky.

Sparky kicked and screamed uselessly as the giant fist that held him lifted him even with Ramboy's now massive face. He was now terrified of having a fantasy become reality!

"Ramboy, you can't! Please! After what we've been through…"

Ramboy's hand stopped in front of his face. He smiled down at his captive.

"Come on, Sparky. We both fantasized about this. Why not live it out? You don't want to stay like this, do you? What kind of life would that be?" Ramboy opened his mouth and extended his tongue.

"Ramboy, no! I don't want to die like this! It will be horrible! You would digest me alive in your stomach! I can't handle that kind of suffering. Please, I know it was a fantasy, but if you do this it's over! Final!" Ramboy considered this. Part of him was overcome with lustful hunger and wanted to swallow down the little man and feel him squirm away his last moments inside his stomach. But Sparky made some sense. When could he ever get a chance to have a small man like this again? It was too good for a one shot deal. Besides, he really did like Sparky. Could he do this to a friend? Then he got an idea.

"Sparky, I know how we can both be happy!" Ramboy stood up and began rooting through the kitchen drawers. Finally he found a ball of string. "We'll tie this to you. Then I can swallow you, and we can both feel what we want! I can get the sensation of having a squirming person in my belly, and you can see what it's like inside a stomach! Then I will pull you back out with the string. It can be our fantasy fulfilled, and it will be safe."

Sparky wasn't too thrilled with this. For one thing, how could they know the trip down wouldn't kill him? Also, how far could he trust Ramboy? After much cajoling, Sparky slowly agreed. He was excited by it a little. Well, a lot, really. Ramboy pointed out how they both had raging hard-ons.

Wasting no time, Ramboy tied the string around Sparky's waste and shoulders, making a harness. As soon as it was done, he snatched up the little man and moved him towards his face.

"Ready for an incredible journey, snack boy?" he boomed. Sparky felt the hot breath wash over him as Ramboy's huge mouth opened wide. Suddenly terrified, Sparky began kicking and screaming again. He changed his mind.

"No! Ramboy, don't--"

His cry was cut off as Ramboy tossed him onto his waiting tongue. His lips pressed closed around the tail of string that now hung outside of his mouth. He could taste Sparky's smooth skin and feel his arms and legs flailing around inside his maw. It was hot as hell! Now for some fun…

Sparky felt the huge wet tongue under him start pushing him. He nearly screamed, thinking he was about to be swallowed. However, the pink organ pushed him to the side of Ramboy's mouth, on top of his bottom set of teeth. Sparky looked up in horror, watching the top set slowly descend on him. Ramboy was going to chew him up! He screamed.

Just as the top teeth touched his skin, they lifted up again and the tongue whipped him to the center of the mouth. A huge rumble passed through, and Sparky realized it was a giggle. Ramboy was toying with him!

The tongue began to massage Sparky's entire body. Saliva coated him as the bumpy surface washed over his body. Sparky's erection was throbbing now as the eroticism of it took him. Sensing this, Ramboy let his tongue rub back and forth over Sparky's whole body. Sparky didn't last long and was soon having a terrific orgasm. As it subsided, the tongue moved again, this time towards the back of the throat.

"Oh no! Please!" He kicked wildly, desperate to hang on to something. Just as he felt his legs descending into the black pit, the tongue suddenly lurched forward, and Sparky found himself in the front of the mouth. Ramboy was having more fun with his food.

Ramboy was quite excited by this. He began massaging his own crotch, pulling down his underwear and standing naked in the kitchen while he felt his tiny friend squirming around in his mouth. His stomach let out another loud gurgle, clearly anticipating a coming meal. Ramboy decided to let it have what it wanted. He threw his head back.

Sparky felt the world lurch once more. He flew backwards, and the tongue began pushing him once more towards the throat. This time it was for real, he could tell! He let out a final scream of panic as the muscles in Ramboy's throat contracted around him and quickly sucked him down. While the descent lasted only a second, it felt like an eternity. He could only marvel as he slid down the slick esophagus that he was actually traveling down a human gullet. To a human stomach…

With a sickening somersault and a loud slurp, Sparky was pushed through the sphincter and into a pitch back chamber. It was hot, humid and smelly. He could hear the loud workings of Ramboy's heart and organs. Dear god, he was in a stomach.

Ramboy felt the squirming lump that was Sparky descend his into his gut with ecstasy. He couldn't believe he actually had a live human being trapped inside him, awaiting the mercy of his metabolism. The squirming down the throat had been hot, but the movement he could now feel inside his belly was amazing. Laying down on the couch, Ramboy began to jerk on his dick faster. It didn't take long. Sparky's wiggling inside him put him over the top fast. He came hard, pumping loads of cum out of his dick and onto his stomach. He was amazed at how intense the orgasm was.

He contemplated the string now hanging out of his mouth. He could feel it running all the way down his throat, towards his stomach where Sparky awaited his fate. And he, Ramboy, would decide it now! He could feel Sparky crawling around, trying to get footing in the ridges of his slick stomach. It was almost too much pleasure. Oh, what to do?

Inside the stomach, Sparky was tossed around as Ramboy shifted positions. He couldn't tell what was going on outside, but he prayed Ramboy would soon fulfill his promise and pull him back out. He couldn't stay in here too long before…

There was a sense of something undulating towards the top of the stomach. Having had enough, Sparky grabbed the rope-sized string and began pulling on it. He would climb back out if he had to. As he neared the stomach's entry, he suddenly fell backwards, clutching at nothing. He grappled for the string, and found…the end. Ramboy had swallowed the end of the string. Sparky moaned in terror.

A loud gurgle announced the coming of what he feared the most. The stomach walls began to undulate, having sensed a waiting snack for Ramboy. Sparky knew he wasn't getting out of this.

The walls of the stomach began to produce more mucous and liquid. Sparky's naked feet began to tingle, and then burn. With horror he realized that digestion had begun.

The next thirty minutes were one of utter agony for Sparky and pleasure for Ramboy. Ramboy lay on the couch, idly stroking himself and feeling the tiny struggles within him slowly dissipate. He was amazed how long they lasted. He hadn't expected anyone to be able to survive long in there, but Sparky was resilient. Ramboy bet Sparky wished his digestive process was faster!

It was a little bit of a shame, thinking about what Sparky had to be going through inside his stomach. But Ramboy smiled and thought about how much pleasure he had gotten out of it. He could think all about how Sparky would pass through every part of his digestive system over the next few hours. Sure, the start of it wouldn't be pleasant for him at all, but after that his body would nourish Ramboy. What better way to go could there be?

The meal, small as it was, made Ramboy sleepy. As the last few kicks and squirms died away in his belly, he dozed.


Another rumbling in his gut awoke Ramboy. He was still on the couch. The rumbling signified a different need, so he padded off to the bathroom. Sitting on the john, he wondered how far along Sparky was by now. Could he already be heading out the other end? Possibly, considering the speed of his metabolism. Still, Sparky had lasted a while in Ramboy's gut!

When he was finished, Ramboy stood and looked down in the bowl. Sure enough, he saw a bit of white string. Sparky had made it out after all. Smiling, Ramboy flushed. He went into the kitchen to find more to eat. A little guy like Sparky just wasn't enough food for a boy like him! As he opened the fridge, he saw the vial sitting on the counter where he had left it.

Ramboy knew he would be having this pleasure again soon. He wondered if there were any other cute young guys in the neighborhood…


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